Vastu Tips for Home

The environment in which we live plays a significant role in our well-being, health, and happiness. A home is a place where we spend most of our time, and it should be a place that promotes positivity, peace, and harmony. The ancient Indian science of Vastu Shastra is based on the principles of creating a positive living environment. In this article, we will discuss Vastu Tips for Home environment.

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science that studies the principles of architecture and design. It is based on the idea that every living and non-living thing on earth has a specific energy, and if we can balance these energies, we can create a positive living environment. Vastu Shastra principles are used to design homes, offices, temples, and other structures. 

Read More:- The Science of Vastu Shastra: Bringing Positive Energy into Your Home

Positive Vastu Tips for Home Environment

  1. Main Entrance

The main entrance or the front door of a house is considered the most important aspect of Vastu Shastra. It is the point where positive energy enters the house, and hence it should be designed and positioned correctly. Here are some Vastu Tips for Your Home’s main entrance:

  • Positioning of the Front Door

The front door should be positioned in the north, northeast, or east direction for maximum positive energy flow. Avoid positioning the front door in the south, southwest, or west direction.

  • Design of the Front Door

The front door should be well-lit and attractive. It should be made of high-quality wood and should open inwards. Avoid using a door with sharp edges, and always keep it clean and well-maintained.

  • Placing of the Shoe Rack

The shoe rack should be placed outside the main door or in a separate area. Avoid placing it inside the main entrance, as it can obstruct the positive energy flow.

  • Decorations at the Main Entrance

The main entrance should be decorated with auspicious symbols, such as the Swastika or Om symbol. Avoid placing any negative or aggressive symbols, such as a broken mirror or pictures of fierce animals.

  1. Living Room

The living room is the heart of the house, and it is the place where the family spends most of their time. Here are some Vastu tips for creating a positive living room:

  • Positioning of the Living Room

The living room should be positioned in the east or northeast direction. Avoid positioning the living room in the southwest direction.

  • Furniture Placement

The furniture in the living room should be arranged in a way that promotes conversation and interaction. Avoid placing any furniture with sharp edges or corners, as they can create negative energy.

  • Color Scheme

The color scheme of the living room should be light and soothing. Avoid using dark or bright colors, as they can create a negative impact on the mood of the occupants.

  • Decorations in the Living Room

The living room should be decorated with positive and uplifting symbols, such as flowers, paintings, or statues of deities. Avoid placing any negative or violent symbols, such as pictures of war or hunting scenes. 

  1. ‘Bedroom

The bedroom is a space where we spend a significant amount of time sleeping and relaxing. It is important to ensure that the bedroom is designed according to Vastu principles to create a positive and peaceful environment. Here are some Vastu tips for designing a bedroom:

  • Bed placement:

According to Vastu Shastra, the bed should be placed in the southwest direction of the bedroom. This is believed to bring stability and grounding to the person sleeping on the bed.

  • Headboard:

The headboard of the bed should be placed against a solid wall. This is believed to provide support and stability to the person sleeping on the bed.

  • Avoid mirrors:

Mirrors should be avoided in the bedroom, especially facing the bed. It is believed that mirrors can create negative energy and disturb sleep.

  • Colors:

Soft, soothing colors such as blue, green, and lavender are recommended for the bedroom. Bright and bold colors should be avoided as they can create a feeling of restlessness.

  • Lighting:

Soft and warm lighting is recommended for the bedroom. Harsh and bright lights should be avoided as they can create a feeling of discomfort.

  1. Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home, where we prepare nourishing food for ourselves and our loved ones. It is important to ensure that the kitchen is designed according to Vastu principles to create a positive and healthy environment. Here are some Vastu tips for designing a kitchen:

  • Location

The kitchen should be located in the southeast corner of the home. This is believed to bring prosperity and abundance.

  •  Cooking direction

While cooking, the person should face the east direction. This is believed to bring positive energy and good health.

  •  Storage:

The storage cabinets and shelves should be located in the southern and western walls of the kitchen. This is believed to bring stability and grounding to the kitchen.

  •  Sink:

The sink should be located in the northeast corner of the kitchen. This is believed to bring purity and cleanliness to the kitchen.

  • Colors:

Warm and earthy colors such as yellow, orange, and red are recommended for the kitchen. These colors are believed to stimulate the appetite and create a feeling of warmth and positivity.


  1. Bathroom

The bathroom is a space where we clean and purify ourselves. It is important to ensure that the bathroom is designed according to Vastu principles to create a positive and hygienic environment. Here are some Vastu tips for designing a bathroom:

Vastu Tips for a Positive Home

  • Location:

The bathroom should be located in the north or northwest corner of the home. This is believed to bring cleanliness and purity.

  •  Door:

The bathroom door should not face the bedroom door. This is believed to create negative energy and disturb the peace.

  •  Toilet seat:

The toilet seat should be placed in the west or northwest direction. This is believed to prevent financial losses and create stability.

  • Colors:

Cool and soothing colors such as blue, green, and white are recommended for the bathroom. These colors are believed to create a feeling of cleanliness and purity.

  • Ventilation:

Proper ventilation is important in the bathroom to prevent the buildup of negative energy and bacteria. 

  1. Study or Home Office

The study or home office is an essential part of modern-day living. Here are some Vastu tips to enhance productivity and ensure a positive work environment:

  • Location:

The study or home office should be located in the northwest or northeast direction of the house. This direction promotes clarity of thought and helps in decision making.

  • Desk Placement:

Place the desk in the southwest corner of the room with the back facing the wall. This placement ensures that the person working is in a commanding position and is not distracted by any unwanted interruptions.

  • Lighting:

Ensure that the study or home office has ample natural light. In case natural light is not available, make use of artificial lighting that mimics natural light. Avoid using harsh lighting that can cause eye strain and fatigue.

  • Color Scheme:

Use soft and muted colors like blue, green, and grey for the study or home office. These colors have a calming effect and help in reducing stress levels.

  • Clutter:

Keep the study or home office clutter-free. Clutter can lead to confusion and distract the person working, leading to reduced productivity.

Vastu Shastra offers practical tips to enhance the quality of life by creating a positive home environment. The tips mentioned above can be easily implemented, and their benefits can be experienced immediately. By following these Vastu tips, one can create a harmonious balance between the elements of nature and the built environment, leading to a positive and fulfilling life.

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